Working with LASDA can be an unparalleled opportunity for dental vendors to elevate their brand presence and connect with a dynamic community of aspiring dental professionals. By becoming a sponsor, vendors gain exclusive access to events such as the loupe’s fair, vendor fair, social events, and lunch and learns, creating a direct channel to showcase their products and services to engaged students and faculty. This partnership not only enhances brand visibility but also fosters meaningful connections with the future leaders of the dental industry.

Get in Touch with LASDA!

Social Events

McKay Hurst (Social) mckay.hurst@louisville.edu

Jack Saieg (Social)

Holland Bakker (Social) holland.bakker@louisville.edu

Grace Gourlay (Social) jennifer.gourlay@louisville.edu

Lunch and Learns | Vendor Fair | Loupes Fair

Jessica Friedman (Student Engagement) jessica.friedman@louisville.edu

Amanda Dilliha (Student Engagement) amanda.crutchfield@louisville.edu

Riya Patel (Student Engagement) riya.patel.1@louisville.edu

For General Inquiries